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What is gdb

gdb(github discussion blog), host blog content on GitHub, using GitHub Discussions as CMS for our Markdown content and then eventually using GitHub API to retrieve the content.

GitHub Discussion


You can adjust the section and categories yourself.

Fetch script

For the fetching part extra build step for Astro, and here’s how it goes:

"scripts": {
  "fetch": "node scripts/fetch-discussions.mjs",

For the script, you can found in /scripts/fetch-discussions.mjs


Change your website config in src/config.ts, such as:

export const SITE: Site = {
  website: "",
  base: "",
  author: "",
  desc: "",
  title: "",
  lightAndDarkMode: true,
  postPerPage: 5,
  scheduledPostMargin: 15 * 60 * 1000, // 15 minutes

export const ROUTES = []



By default, giscus is enabled. If necessary, please modify the giscus.config.mjs configuration yourself.

  repo: '',
  enable: true,
  lang: "zh-CN",
  theme: "transparent_dark",
  inputPosition: "bottom",
  emitMetadata: 0,
  reactionsEnabled: 1,
  lazyLoading: true,

For more configuration content, please go to Giscus.

Please ensure that your repo has installed the Giscus App.


Automatic synchronization with Gitubb Wokflow, detail in .github/workflows/discussions.yml

If you have adjusted the category name of the Discussion, please modify the env variable too.


My blog theme source: AstroPaper, of course, you can freely adjust it to the theme you want.